Are GF Oats Certified by the Coeliac Society?

Apr 09, 2024Kylie Hollonds

2023 saw some changes to the Coeliac statement on oats that had been long standing in the industry.

September last year a presentation was conducted to industry leaders announcing that changes were coming. This was a BIG step, we had been waiting a long time for, after a 3 year study on pure uncontaminated oats at Monash University completed their findings. The main finding was that about 5-8% of Coeliac Patients reacted to the Avenin (protein) in oats. The reason why oats was now suitable is that many Coeliac patients are finding they are now suffering from other autoimmune diseases due to the poor choices available in the gluten free food sector. Many foods are based on GMO soy, corn and high in sugar. 

This had been identified in almost all countries around the world, Australia and NZ being last. No oats can be labelled 'gluten free oats' due to a clause in the Aust Food Standards. It seems that the decision has been made not to ever label any oats gluten free oats here, however they are considering another name that brands.

So until the industry leaders can decide on a name to call the oats, they are not recommending publicly any brands other than choosing 'wheatfree' which we feel is dangerous, as there is at least 1 brand on the market labelled 'wheatfree' that also contains traces of rye and barley. 

So in answer to the original question, NO, GF Oats do not pay to be recommended by the Coeliac Society and would not be eligable to. 

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