Updated status on oats consumption from the Coeliac Society Sep 2023
Kylie's notes: After the long awaited studies being published from the Australian Oat study we were delighted to see that they are now recommending GF Oats oats into the Coeliac diet after 14 years of us providing safe uncontaminated oats. Please note we still aren't able to call them gluten free. My main concern is that they are still recommending 'Wheat Free Oats' to Coeliac patients when there is no definitive explanation of what this means, as it is NOT necessarily rye & barley free eg. Carmens wheat free have a note on their allergen statement, may contain rye or barley. Wheat free crops are generally not grown in exclusion zones and don't follow the Global Oats Gold Standard Protocol which we have chosen to do, so we can ensure NIL cross contamination, which we have achieved for 14 years now. We have 50 thousand followers and subscribers across our channels and feedback is they are left more confused as there are only 5% of Coeliac's who react to the Avenin in oats, which is very different to other glutenous grains and the oats are still not clearly labelled. I am disappointed that this has taken so long, as many Coeliac patients suffer from diabetes, cardio vascular and osteoporosis among other autoimmune diseases and the solution is increasing fibre into the diet which is where oats comes in and studies showed this overseas for over 10 years. Please read my overview on the various speakers in the presentation, links below and are in 4 parts. #Betterlatethannever
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.Hi, I was diagnosed a Coeliac in 1995, I was fortunate to have a very close friend whose sister had been diagnosed a Coeliac back in the 1950’s . She along with the Physician and Dietician I saw at that time suggested that I not introduce oats into my diet until I had been completely of ALL Gluten containing foods for at least a year. This was probably one of the longest times I went with out. After a year my Dietician suggested that I try one small bowl of oats and monitor myself for any unwanted gastro-intestinal problems over a period of a week, back to her and then if I hadn’t had a problem to start eating oats every other day for a week, report back to her and if I was still well “Go for It!” At that time I was fairly well educated and looked for oats labelled low or no gluten. I heard about Kylie Hollands’ and have been a fan of her determination to get uncontaminated Oats into Aust, Well done Kylie & Team Thank you for all your hard work and great Products, all the best, Janeen