3 Ways your $$$ is donated
This year one of my goals was to DOUBLE my donations to Legacy. We reached out to our VIP Facebook community and they gave us an abundance of answers and we were able to action some of these.
Option 1
Our first offering is our Beautiful Gift Cards in a gorgeous Rosemary and Poppy Design. These designs are unique designs I had painted on canvas by a local artist here in Toowoomba. I had them photographed to create some these unique cards for our oaty tribe. I'm so excited to share them with you all they are really beautiful and available as a single card, packs of 3 or 6. For every card that is sold, $1 will go to Legacy all year around.
Rosemary is an ancient symbol of fidelity and remembrance. The aromatic herb grows wild on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey, where the original Anzacs served in World War I. Australians traditionally wear sprigs of rosemary as a symbol of remembrance on Anzac Day or Remembrance Day
The poppy is the enduring symbol of remembrance of the First World War. The poppy's origin as a popular symbol of remembrance lies in the landscapes of the First World War. Poppies were a common sight, especially on the Western Front. Poppies decorate our delicious ANZAC biscuit packaging.
Option 2
Is our beautiful new Jute Shopping Bags with the fabulous Poppy Design on the side. These bags are sold separately but will also be offered in any of our 2 beautiful Legacy Gift Packs.
Option 3
Our Third option is to simply just donate to Legacy via this Donation Link.
On behalf of GF Oats and Legacy we thank you for your continued support
- Kylie & the GF Oats Team
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