Fruit Lassi Overnight Oats

Fruit Lassi Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are a very quick way to get out the door in the morning. By preparing these oats the night before, you are reducing the amount of time you need to devote to preparing and cooking your breakfast in the morning, a time when we seem to be the most rushed. Often this is because we are rushing to get the kids out the door for school and get ourselves ready to head to work. 

All you have to do is fill a bowl or a Mason jar or Tupperware container with grains, toppings, add-ins, and a liquid like milk or water. Then you throw it in the refrigerator. While you are sleeping, the flavours fuse together. 

In the morning, your overnight oats are ready to eat - no cooking required! 


  • ½ cup of GF Oats
  • ½ cup of milk
  • 1 cup of yoghurt or kefir
  • 1/2 cup of fruit, eg Mango or berries
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