Kylie’s Kitchen Porridge with a Nutty Twist

This week’s recipe was inspired by one of the cooking shows for National Porridge Day.

They shared a fabulous recipe using Steel Cut Oats and Steamed Rolled Oats together and I’ve been hooked ever since. My first thought of course was “why didn’t I think of that”. 

Anyway I was so inspired I made a video to share with you. I love this breakfast and have had it most mornings ever since. What I love the most is the nutty texture of my porridge now and the hack at the end using our new sauces along with how to make 1 weeks worth of breakfast is well worth it. 



½ cup of  Steamed Rolled Oats 

½ cup of Steel Cut Oats 

1 cup of water

1 cup of milk 

Delicious new sauces (optional) (link)


Measure the oats into a container and add 1 cup of water. Place the lid on the container and place the lid securely on the container and pop into the fridge to soak overnight. The next morning you can take out the oats and place into a stovetop pot. (I prefer to do this one on the stovetop or in the Thermomix as opposed to the microwave). 

Add your cup of milk and gently cook on a medium/low heat for 10 mins or until soft enough to eat. 

Serve yourself ½ cup of cooked oats and top with your favourite toppings.


NB: yes there is too much oats to eat in 1 serve, so I suggest to put the remaining oats by the ½ cup into patty pans and freeze so you can take one out a night for breakfast the next day. How easy is that. 

Youtube link to video 


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