Breakfast Oat and Chia Seed Porridge

Fuel your body right for the day with this Breakfast Oat and Chia Seed Porridge. An overnight oats recipes so you are ready to go in the morning.


  • 3/4 cup chia seeds
  • 2 cups GF Oats
  • 3/4 cup raisins
  • 3/4 cup pepitas
  • 4 medjool dates, seeds removed
  • 3/4 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries (optional)
  • Half a Tspn ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 Tspn ground ginger
  • 1/2 cup milk of choice
  • Lemon juice to taste


  1. The night before soak the following in water (leave on the bench with a plate to cover): Bowl One (Small): Cover chia seeds with water (forms a gel) Bowl Two (Large): Combine oats, raisins, pepitas, sunflower seeds, dates and cranberries and cover with your choice of milk or water.
  2. To make the Chia Seed Porridge: Add chia seed gel to blender.
  3. Drain and rinse the oat mixture and add about a third of the mixture to the blender with the chia, some milk, cinnamon, ginger and a small squeeze of lemon juice.
  4. Blend until smooth. You may need to do this in stages depending on the size of your blender.
  5. Reserve some of the oat/seed mixture unblended so that it adds colour and texture to the overall mixture
  6. Once all stages have been completed, stir in reserved oat/seed mixture and keep porridge in a lidded container the fridge
  7. To Serve Spoon chia seed porridge into bowls, top with milk and some fresh blueberries, banana's, strawberries etc. Keeps in the fridge for 3-4 days.
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