GF Oats Compliance - Why trust us as the Gold Standard in Oats?

Oct 02, 2023Kylie Hollonds

GK Gluten Free Foods are the largest Australian suppliers of Uncontaminated, pure Aussie grown oats , however, in Australia, a sub-clause in the labelling laws continues to prevent the labelling of any oats to be gluten-free oats.

Our oats are grown in WA from farmers who follow the Global Oats Protocol in growning oats to ensure that every time, these oats are uncontaminated from glutenous grains like wheat, rye or barley. Our crops are grown in exclusion zones from our own seed source. Seed to plate they are tested for gluten contamination. 

Once our oats are harvested they are stored in clean bins until they are dehulled and then steamed and rolled. They are then packed into bulker bags around 400kg and loaded onto trucks to be transported across to Toowoomba Qld to GF Oats headquarters warehouses. From here the bulker bags are sent to the cold rooms for freezing. This is an important step to ensure we can reduce any bugs hatching in our beautiful oats. 

The oats spend 72 hours in the freezer then the bags are individually marked or coded by the team to ensure the oats can be tracked now along the supply chain into store.  From our warehouse they head over to Endeavour Industries to get packed into all the various sizes you can buy. 

It is our absolute pride that we can supply Australian's with pure oats like the rest of the world. 


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