How is it best to Store your GF Oats during the Summer Months

Dec 11, 2019Kylie Hollonds

How to Store Oats for Summer

I wanted to share with you what our procedure is on how to store oats for summer when the dial gets turned up here in Australia and the temperature jumps to over 40°oC on somedays. Ouch!

When the oats arrive from our farmers in the US – GF Harvest in bulk 22.67kg bags or 50lbs, which is what the odd kg number is about. We send these bulk bags directly to Endeavour Industries here in Toowoomba to be packaged into all the various sizes you see in our Online Store 500g, 1kg, 2kg. These packages are sealed securely and are stored in our Warehouse shed in shipper boxes. The problem can arise with the 50lb bags, as they are a kraft bag type packaging and can be penetrated by bugs. You know bugs love grains don’t you? :()

Anyway, storing the oats in the bulk bags is essential to prevent an infestation. We send them to a local cold storage facility here on the Downs where they are held until the heat subsides.

Airtight Containers are Best

Oats generally, should be stored in airtight containers in a cool, dry, dark place (pantry or cupboard). Grains will keep under these conditions for up to 6 months. Freeze larger batches of oats for longer shelf life.

We have storage containers for oats in our Online Store along with pantry labels for FREE, depending on which type of oats you purchased. This way, no one will get confused as to which Oats is yours.

The most important thing to look for when determining shelf life in oats is undamaged stock. The oats are steamed and rolled, so are stabilised to achieve maximum best before. If you wish to check the gluten-free tests that match each batch, please refer to our Compliance Page and match the best before dates with the package you have.

Tips for Storing Oats at Home

My suggestions for storing your oats at home are:

  • Please ensure you do not mix the new batch of oats with the old batch you have in your pantry. As the old one may be contaminated with bugs, wait until you have finished.
  • If you have the 500g or 1kg box bottom bags, they have a self-seal. Please ensure that these are secured tightly or transfer the oats to a sealed container. Just so happens we have some in our online store.
  • For the bulk 1kg Quick Oats or the 2kg, they are in pillow bags which are heat-sealed. These definitely need to be transferred to a sealed container.
  • If you only have a small airtight container then you can seal your pillow bag and pop into the freezer or refrigerator to keep them safe from bugs.

That is really the best way to store your oats when the days warm up, but by all means, use this technique all year round. Please note, unfortunately, we do not replace stock if they are contaminated in your home. These oats are beautiful but expensive so please handle them with care.

Cheers Kylie

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